Health care providers

TW&A works with primary and secondary health care providers, both in ‘cure’ and in ‘care’, and with individual organizations as well as with sets of industry partners. We also work... Read more


Health care in the Netherlands is highly regulated. TW&A knows the rules and regulations, as well as the industry’s parties, from our work for many of the organizations involved. Clients Ministerie... Read more

Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies

Our clients in this field are pharmaceutics and bio-pharmaceutics companies, wholesalers, pharmacy chains and med-tech companies. We also support policy making authorities and associations of health... Read more

Interest groups

In complex issues such as health care many frequently contradictory interests meet. TW&A supports individual interest groups but brings them together too in order for them to pool their interests... Read more

Health care insurers

TW&A has contributed to the formulation of the new Dutch health care insurance law (Zorgverzekeringswet) and provides support for health care procurement optimization, the improvement of commercial... Read more

Examples of our work and clients

Senior counselor | Pfizer & Novartis | October 2013 – May 2014 (8 months)

Developing an approach and commitment to a decentralised organisation for costing specialist drugs in cooperation with professional associations, healthcare

Examples of our work and clients

Process manager sectoral agreements Imnovid (pomalidomide) | Celgene | May 2014 – Present (8 months)

Process management and consultancy for the Round Table Discussion between participants HOVON, Celgene, Achmea, Menzis, Multizorg VRZ, CZ, VGZ and hospitals. The

Examples of our work and clients

Ext. project director advanced parkinson breakthrough | AbbVie | June 2014 – Present (7 months)

Development and pilot testing of a regional care concept for advanced parkinson patients in cooperation with hospitals and nursing homes. Ambition: reducing

Examples of our work and clients

Program-management repositioning Lucentis | Novartis Farma | 2011-2012

repositioning Lucentis (30 million) because of the inclusion in national directives of the company’s competitor Avastin

Examples of our work and clients

Economic impact of health care procurement influenced by market liberalization | ONVZ |

consulting cases and funding, health care procurement

Examples of our work and clients

Business case pharmaceutics procurement | Multizorg |

consulting business development, cases and funding, health care procurement sector: health care insurers, pharmaceutics and life sciences companies

Examples of our work and clients

Extending the collaboration for the purposes of health care procurement in order to include VRZ verzekeraars | Multizorg VRZ |

Achieving synergy and collaboration, health care procurement, health care insurers

Examples of our work and clients

Business case of a merger between a general insurer and a health care insurer | Goudse/Trias |

Achieving synergy and collaboration, health care insurers

Examples of our work and clients

Strategy reconnaissance for a pharmacy chain | Lloyds |

Strategy & governance, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

View on outsourcing | OPG |

Strategy & governance, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Supporting a British venture capital fund in finding investment opportunities in the Netherlands | Medicsight |

Business development, cases and funding, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Strategic scenario analysis, assessing five-year plans | RvB/RvT Parnassia |

Strategy & governance, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Strategic reorientation on the future | Slotervaart Ziekenhuis |

Achieving synergy and collaboration, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Measurement instrument for health care insurers and the health care industry | Consumentenbond |

Interest groups

Examples of our work and clients

Developing the website | patientenorganisatie in de GGZ |

Interest groups, patients

Examples of our work and clients

Feasibility of clustering the legal support provided by patient interest groups | CG Raad |

Interest groups, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Position paper on corporate governance in health care | NVZ, Actiz, VGN, GGZ Nederland |

Strategy & governance, interest groups, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Strategy, tactics and system of introducing free physiotherapy pricing | KNGF |

Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Outlook and lobby approach for independent psychiatrists | NVVP |

Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Strategy for introducing DBC funding in psychological health care | GGZ Nederland |

Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

Second opinion on BCG report on bonuses and pharmaceutics discounts | KNMP |

Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, pharmaceutics and life sciences companies

Examples of our work and clients

Organiseren van inkoopmacht van chronisch zieken | ZonMw |

Verantwoorde liberalisatie in de zorg, samenwerking & synergie  realiseren, business development, cases & bekostiging, zorginkoop aan zet, overheid,

Examples of our work and clients

Analysis of the potential for market liberalization in seven paramedic professions. | VWS |

Analysis of the potential for market liberalization in seven paramedic professions: physiotherapy, dentistry, speech therapy, occupational therapy, obstetrics,

Examples of our work and clients

The effects of scaling up in psychological health care | CVZ |

Responsible health care liberalization, achieving synergy and collaboration, authorities, health care providers

Examples of our work and clients

IBO report ‘Concentratie en samenwerking in de gezondheidszorg’ | Ministeries of General Affairs, Finance, Health Care and Scienc; College voor Zorgverzekeringen, RVZ, ZONMw |

Responsible health care liberalization, achieving synergy and collaboration, authorities

Examples of our work and clients

Advice on the improvement of the commercial position of Pico (complex wound therapy / negative pressure therapy) | Smith&Nephew | 2013

Advice on an effective commercial approach for new line of products in complex wound therapy

Examples of our work and clients

Management team member at IZZ Zorgverzekeringen | VGZ / IZZ Zorgverzekeringen | 2006 - 2007

Strategy, decoupling UVIT’s front office, setting up a new organization structure, realizing policy sales growth, launching new services

Examples of our work and clients

Management team member at ACHMEA Zorginkoop | Achmea | 2008

Primary health care procurement plan 2009/10, reorganization, adapting membership of the company’s management team

Examples of our work and clients

Director of business development TNF Care | MSD Nederland B.V. | 2010 – 2011

pay-for-performance Remicade (100 mio) incl. ontwikkeling infusie scorecard, pilots Atruim en RdGG en uitrol naar 25 ziekenhuizen.

Examples of our work and clients

Project lead Novartis Pharma | Novartis Pharma | 2011 - 2012

Crisismanagement Lucentis (30 mio). Developing strategic plan for Lucentis (eye-care) and support Novartis in execution

Examples of our work and clients

Programme management accountability and funding of specialist medicines | Novartis & Pfizer |

Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies

Examples of our work and clients

Programme management for the extension of intramural and extramural services | Farminform | 2012 - onderhanden

Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies, convincing industry lobby

Examples of our work and clients

Programme mangement commercial breakthrough Specialty Care / Global pilot ESAT Pfizer | Pfizer | 2012 - 2013

commercial breakthrough project innovative pricing Enbrel (160 mio)

Examples of our work and clients

Business plan for a nation-wide evaluation of the distribution of expensive medicines | CVZ |

assignment type: business development, cases and funding, responsible health care liberalization, convincing industry lobby, health care

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