Health care like you
would want it yourself
Health care is about what is most important in the world: your and your family’s life and health. That is why we spend some 20% of our income on it. While health care in our country is excellent, there is still so much that could be better, more affordable and more innovative. How can this be, despite all the effort and everybody’s good intentions? It is TW&A’s ambition to help organize health care like we would want it ourselves. Ter Welle & Associés believes that progress can be made in the health care business by breaking through established patterns – patterns of which he have all but forgotten how they arose. This requires putting the game and the rules by which it is played up for discussion, and adapting or changing it fundamentally. It means setting high standards and daring to do things differently – not for the sake of change itself, but simply because patients and health care workers deserve the best.
Breaking through established patterns
Innovation requires insight to understand what the problem is, as well as imagination, stamina and the will and capability to deal with resistance. We are convinced that it can be done, with committed people who know how to put ideas into practice. TW&A has this commitment and likes to work with people and organizations who are likewise driven to conceive and implement such breakthroughs. We focus on achieving breakthroughs at health care providers, pharmaceutics and life science companies, and health care insurers, both as separate actors and as a value chain. Improving the individual parties’ position and performance is often where we begin. We feel certain that results can be achieved also – even especially – in the collaboration between the links in the health care chain. Walls between the parties, including the images they have of one another, still cause much potential to remain unused. To stay with the chain metaphor: it is rusty. TW&A knows all parties involved for we have worked there. We have shown that we can build bridges and achieve results together.